Semester 2 telah bermula. Humanistic department was planning for us to take 5 courses for this semester, but inspite of 5, I took 6 courses. Banyakkan? Sebab summer nanti tinggal lagi 2 courses, so ada gap dlm beberapa minggu untuk berjalan mengembara ke US (insyaAllah). Untuk semester ini, aku berazam untuk mencari team work yg lain, to avoid the conflict. For two courses I manage to get american students as my team, one course with Minn and one more course (which is tonite). All the papers are research papers as usual and no exams (that greats).
Since semester begin, this is my first day visiting library, and hope can be here everyday except for saturday (perhaps), there are a lot of works to be done early and another reason to save the power (duit yg jimat tu bolehlah shopping tuk adik beradik and kekawan).